Specialized genetic testing & counselling

Beta Thalassemia
HBB Gene deletion/duplication by MLPA

Beta Thalassemia
Beta Globin Gene Sequencing – HBB Sequencing

Alpha Thalassemia
HBA1/HBA2 Gene deletion/duplication by MLPA

AF8 Intron 1/22 Inversion
(Positive Haemophilia A Orion WES – NGS result)

Haemophilia B (Orion WES - NGS)

Haemophilia A (Orion WES - NGS)




for inherited blood diseases:

Please contact: Karishma Singh –
or Yugashnee Pillay –
Phone : 031 904 0558





Beta Thalassemia
(5 Common Mutation)

Beta Thal TRIO



The CHROME is a non-invasive test
that can be performed from
10 weeks of pregnancy onwards.

CHROME looks at DNA from your baby's
placenta in a sample of your blood to identify whether you're at increased risk of giving
birth to a child with a genetic disorder like the Down's syndrome, Edwards syndrome
or the Patau syndrome.

Everything you need to know
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Who We Are

A Flagship of The Organisation is the approval by the USA Division of AIDS, DAIDS and ACTG organisation to conduct clinical Trials for FDA approvals (Since 2013). The laboratory is a Quality Assurance Facility for validation of HIV Dried Blood Spot Viral Load testing for the centre for Disease Control (USA).

In 2018, the best-in-class laboratories from across India, UAE, Sri Lanka and South Africa united under the banner of Neuberg Diagnostics to bring the latest technology and techniques of international pathology services within the reach of developing countries.

Utilising their combined strengths, the Neuberg Alliance now has the capability to perform over 5 000 pathological investigations/ test menus, including prevention and early diagnosis in current chronic and intricate diseases e.g. new-born genetics using Non Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT).

A major achievement has been to gain the approval by the USA Divisions of the AIDS, DAIDS and ACTG organisations to conduct Clinical Trials for FDA approvals – which have been undertaken since 2013.

The laboratory is also a Quality Assurance Facility for validation of HIV Dried Blood Spot Viral Load testing for the Centre for Disease Control (USA).


Lead the movement towards early accurate diagnosis, enabling a better quality of life.


Deliver deep insights by making state-of-the-art technology and new generation diagnostics accessible and affordable to people around the world.

As Neuberg Global we now offer:

plus years of combined experience around the globe

samples processed annually

staff employed in South Africa

labs being used globally for testing and reference

How we’re changing laboratory medicine for you

At the very core of Neuberg’s philosophy is absolute and total Customer Focus. We aim to ensure that we put patients at the very centre of care, with a focus on Affordable Wellness Programs and Structured Disease Management programs for rare diseases using the most advanced technologies assisted by data science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that is able to map the relevant disease profiles across the world.

With this in mind, Neuberg Global has a fully HPCSA accredited training centre, equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, resources and highly skilled facilitators, whose focus is to empower students with scarce and critically required skills in the areas of laboratory diagnostics.
